Successful fashion designer Marina Artamova is determined to reunite her small family. Her orphaned nephew has vanished into the Russian welfare system, and her mission is his rescue.
After months of searching, Marina locates Stefan but not before he's adopted by David Anderson, an American teacher. She books passage on Alexandra's Dream, the cruise ship David has chosen as a treat for the uncharacteristically reserved boy before taking him to the U.S. Marina is single–minded in her quest to gain custody of Stefan, despite the romantic ambience of the cruise ship and her undeniable attraction to David.
Marina and David have no idea that the boy's silence hides a secret about his parents' deaths and that the man responsible will stop at nothing to keep him quiet.
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It's never too late for the truth
It's the craziest time of year in New Orleans, but Charlotte Marchand has never experienced a Mardi Gras quite like this. Someone on her staff is out to destroy her family's hotel, and as general manager, she can't let that happen. Even the unexpected return of her high school sweetheart, Jackson Bailey, can't completely distract her.
But it's only when the two of them are kidnapped and their lives are at risk that Charlotte reaches the stunning realisation: Jackson is the only man she's ever loved.