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What is the MODERN series about?
Power and passion. Seduction, glamour and sinfully seductive heroes await you in luxurious international locations.
What is the MEDICAL series about?
Pulse-racing passion.
Dedicated professionals find escape, passion, comfort and love – in each other’s arms!
What is the HISTORICAL series about?
Awaken the romance of the past.
Intense passion, lavish settings and romance, burning brightly through the centuries.
What is the INTRIGUE series about?
Lives and hearts on the line.
Edge of your seat romances, whodunit mysteries, get your crime-solving hat on!
What is the ROMANTIC SUSPENSE series about?
Love in the face of danger.
Heart-racing suspense, adventure and romance under extraordinary circumstances.
What is the WESTERN series all about?
Small towns. Rugged ranchers. Big hearts.
Embracing the charm of small towns, where big hearts thrive and rugged ranchers are the soul of the land.