A Most Unsuitable Bride

A Most Unsuitable Bride

  • Pages: 179
  • Imprint: Blockbuster
  • Publication Date: 1st July 2012
  • ISBN: 9781460854068


What has she to hide?

The mysterious heavily–veiled woman Edward Thurlow, Lord Garthdale, meets on his early–morning rides in Hyde Park intrigues and then utterly charms him. What dark secret could possibly force her to hide away from society in such a fashion?

An eligible catch, Edward has eluded the marital net until now. So why, just when he's resigned himself to finding a wife, should this most unsuitable woman keep invading his thoughts?

About the author

Gail Whitiker

Gail Whitiker

Gail Whitiker is the award winning author of 18 historical and contemporary novels. Her books have been distributed in over 28 countries and translated into almost as many languages, though she is still waiting to see one published in her native Welsh! She currently lives on the West Coast of Canada. Visit her website at www.gailwhitiker.com... more