A Runaway Bride for the Highlander
The Lochmore Legacy

A Runaway Bride for the Highlander

  • Pages: 192
  • Imprint: Historical
  • Publication Date: 1st June 2019
  • ISBN: 9781489286338


Lost in the Highlands...found by the laird!

Far from her home in France, Marguerite Vallon escapes her arranged marriage to a man she despises. Stowing away in a stranger's cart, she finds herself headed deep into the Highlands with Ewan Lochmore, the new Earl of Glenarris! Ewan vows to protect her. But maybe the freedom Marguerite has been searching for can be found with this rugged warrior...

About the author

Elisabeth Hobbes

Elisabeth Hobbes

Elisabeth grew up in York, where she spent her teenage years looking for a handsome Roman or Viking to sweep her off her feet.

She achieved her dream of becoming an author after finishing third in Harlequin's SYTYCW contest 2013 and being offered a two-book contract.  When she isn’t writing, she spends her time reading and is a pro at cooking while holding a book!

Elisabeth lives in Cheshire with her husband, two children and two cats with ridiculous... more