A Weaver Holiday Homecoming
Men of the Double-C Ranch

A Weaver Holiday Homecoming

  • Pages: 191
  • Imprint: Heart
  • Publication Date: 1st July 2012
  • ISBN: 9781460827383


After Mallory Keegan's sister died in childbirth, the grieving doctor vowed to do one thing: find her niece's father. Mallory never expected her long search to lead her to Weaver and its most mysterious resident, Ryan Clay. Brooding, elusive Ryan was an unlikely dad for little Chloe...and unexpectedly set Mallory's blood burning with desire.

Ryan had always lived a life of secrets, but learning he was a father took even the former undercover agent by surprise. More shocking was how strongly he felt about his newfound daughter; and the sparks that simmered between him and Chloe's tantalizing aunt. They were turning out to be the best Christmas gift he had never imagined....

About the author

Allison Leigh

Allison Leigh

A frequent name on bestseller lists, Allison Leigh's highpoint as a writer is hearing from readers that they laughed, cried or lost sleep while reading her books.  She’s blessed with an immensely patient family who doesn’t mind (much) her time spent at her computer and who gives her the kind of love she wants her readers to share in every page.  Stay in touch at  www.allisonleigh.com and... more