A Wing & A Prayer

A Wing & A Prayer

  • Pages: 68
  • Publication Date: 1st November 2014
  • ISBN: 9781488790027


Atlanta businessman Dylan Alexander is committed to getting children the medical attention they need. And he has to admit, he enjoys flying single mum Jo Nichols and her son Zack from St. Simons Island to Baltimore on his private jet. Now if he could just stop fantasizing about the three of them as a family.

Jo owes everything to Miracle Flights for Kids...and the six-foot CEO who volunteers his time and compassion. But past experience has taught her that acting on their growing attraction would be a mistake. All bets are off when Dylan and her son start seriously bonding. Are blue skies up ahead? Only if she and the once-burned businessman have the courage to go for it.

About the author

Andrea Laurence

Andrea Laurence

Andrea Laurence is an award-winning contemporary author who has been a lover of books and writing stories since she learned to read. A dedicated West Coast girl transplanted into the Deep South, she’s constantly trying to develop a taste for sweet tea and grits while caring for her collection of animals that includes a Siberian Husky that sheds like nobody’s business. You can contact Andrea at her website:... more