After The Christmas Party...

After The Christmas Party...

  • Pages: 192
  • Imprint: Medical
  • Publication Date: 1st December 2013
  • ISBN: 9781743648599


What happens the morning after? 

Nurse Trinity Warren is hiding in the corner at her office Christmas party and she's miserable! Parties like this remind her of all the many heartbreaking reasons why she hates this time of year, so she's only there under duress. 

Until Dr. Riley Williams, hospital heartthrob, asks her to dance and kisses her under the mistletoe! Suddenly Trinity starts to understand what "the magic of Christmas" is all about…. And now that the party's over, her heart will never be the same again!

About the author

Janice Lynn

Janice Lynn

Janice Lynn has a master's in nursing from Vanderbilt University and works as a nurse practitioner in a family practice. She lives in the southern United States with her Prince Charming, their children, their Maltese named Moxie; and a lot of unnamed dust bunnies that have moved in since she started her writing career. Readers can visit Janice via her website at:... more