Awaken To Pleasure

Awaken To Pleasure

  • Pages: 192
  • Imprint: Desire
  • Publication Date: 1st December 2014
  • ISBN: 9781488790850


“What would you say to marrying me?”

The proposal was as unexpected as her feelings for the man whose dark good looks rivaled an even darker past. Painful experience screamed that Taylor Reid should run far and fast from Jackson Santorini. But keeping custody of her brother meant becoming her former boss's bride...and giving Jackson a baby.

Despite his powerful size and presence, Jackson had been a woman. Yet he'd protected her at a personal cost, if his restrained ardor in deference to her virginal apprehension was one indication. Suddenly, for Jackson's sake, Taylor wanted to replace pain with pleasure. Only, she'd never imagined what sensations — and secrets — she would awaken....

About the author

Nalini Singh

Nalini Singh

New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Nalini Singh loves writing paranormal romances. Currently working on two ongoing series, she also has a passion for travel and has been to places as far afield as Tahiti,Japan, Ireland and Scotland. She makes her home in beautiful New Zealand. To find out more about Nalini's books, please visit her website,... more