Designated Daddy

Designated Daddy

  • Pages: 167
  • Imprint: Heart
  • Publication Date: 1st July 2012
  • ISBN: 9781460863060



Steely government agent Steve Henderson was a lone wolf. Afraid of nothing. Needing no one. Until compassionate nurse Victoria Reynaud placed a newborn in his arms, inexplicably calling the baby girl his!

The orphaned little one made Steve's strong knees go weak. And he desperately needed this nurse's nurturing to keep the precious infant safe. Worse, once he whisked the tiny baby and tender hearted Victoria to his moonlit mountain hideaway, the macho loner was beset with incomprehensible yearnings. Besotted with both woman and child. And heaven help him beginning to feel a lot like the father of this makeshift "family"!

About the author

Jane Toombs

Jane Toombs

Jane's Silhouette Special Edition, The Missing Heir, is her 19th book for Harlequin and Silhouette, and her 69th published book, counting print and electronic books. Though she does write paranormal fantasies, mysteries, and horror, most of her stories are contemporary or historical romances. Jane began writing as a child, encouraged by her father, who was a published non-fiction author. He was a marvelous editor, praising what was good before pointing out the flaws needing correction, giving her confidence in her ability. He became totally... more