

  • Pages: 44
  • Imprint: Blaze
  • Publication Date: 1st July 2012
  • ISBN: 9781460817216


Her first meeting with Marco Rinaldi had Christine's mouth watering – not for one his world–famous dishes, but for the scrumptious chef himself. Her next meeting, at the home she was hired to sell for him, included dinner...and seduction. But then Marco made her an offer that left her reeling. He would give her the deed to his five million dollar house, if she agreed to spend a single night with him and do anything he asked. Savvy businesswoman that she was, Christine believed any offer that sounded too good to be true probably was. But even if he was lying, did it really matter? One night of mind–blowing, soul–searing sex with Marco was worth it...whatever the outcome.

About the author

Letty James

Letty James

It's been a dream of mine to be an author ever since I was nine years old. I would scribble a few pages in a notebook only to find that notebook years later and say "Hey, that wasn't bad. Why didn't I finish it?" Many, many (more than I want to think about) years later I completed my first novel participating in National Novel Writing Month ( and have been writing furiously ever since, fueled by chocolate and multiple cups of tea. I save the champagne for celebrating when I'm done!My goal is to create sexy, romantic, and... more