Diving into Forever
Love at Hideaway Wharf

Diving into Forever

  • Pages: 192
  • Imprint: Heart
  • Publication Date: 1st August 2023
  • ISBN: 9781867288190


  • Travel the world
  • Become dive-certified
  • Find forever love?

To complete his beloved late sister’s bucket list, chef Kellan Murphy needs to triumph over his fear of deep water. Enter American dive instructor Sam Walker, as kind as he is electrifying to every fibre of Kell’s being. Sam’s soon nudging his way into the Irishman’s heart. But with Kellan’s dive certification comes an inheritance…and the restaurant of his dreams a continent away. Is Kellan’s future really on Oyster Island — with Sam?

Mills & Boon Heart — Stories of love, compassion and happiness.

About the author

Laurel Greer

Laurel Greer

Born and raised in a small Vancouver Island town, Laurel picked up her pen to write Julie Garwood fan-fiction during junior high English class. She hasn't put it down since. Ever committed to the proper placement of the Canadian "eh," she loves to write books with snapping sexual tension and second chances. She lives outside Vancouver with her law-talking husband and two daughters. At least half her diet is made up of tea. Find her at... more