Doctors Down Under
Doctors Down Under

Doctors Down Under

Dr Harry Pritchard

  • Pages: 192
  • Imprint: Blockbuster
  • Publication Date: 1st March 2015
  • ISBN: 9780857995575


Previously published as The Surgeon's Second Chance.

Three carefree medical students. Harry loved Steph...but Steph married Martin.

Five years on, Steph is a widow. Martin's bereaved parents are fighting for custody of her beloved daughter. And Harry is back in town...and back in love!

Harry knows that he and Steph should be together, and he's not going to miss his second chance! He failed her before. He has to prove she can trust him now. But that won't be easy when he's hiding a crucial secret from her...


About the author

Meredith Webber

Meredith Webber

Previously a teacher, pig farmer, and builder (among other things), Meredith Webber turned to writing medical romances when she decided she needed a new challenge. Once committed to giving it a “real” go she joined writers’ groups, attended conferences and read every book on writing she could find. Teaching a romance writing course helped her to analyze what she does, and she believes it has made her a better writer. Readers can email Meredith at:... more