Fortune's Runaway Bride
The Fortunes of Texas: Hitting the Jackpot

Fortune's Runaway Bride

  • Pages: 192
  • Imprint: Western Romance
  • Publication Date: 1st June 2023
  • ISBN: 9781867284710


Something old, something new — something borrowed — and someone flew!

Almost bride Isabel Banninger just tore out of the chapel on what should have been her wedding day. In desperate need of escape, she accepts a ride from corporate Casanova Reeve Fortune — a man she has every reason to distrust. Reeve can’t explain why he offers to hide Isabel away. But as they hunker down in his family’s castle, the prickly duo discovers a connection that surprises them both…

Mills & Boon Western Romance — Small towns, cowboys and contemporary romance, the all-American way!

About the author

Allison Leigh

Allison Leigh

A frequent name on bestseller lists, Allison Leigh's highpoint as a writer is hearing from readers that they laughed, cried or lost sleep while reading her books.  She’s blessed with an immensely patient family who doesn’t mind (much) her time spent at her computer and who gives her the kind of love she wants her readers to share in every page.  Stay in touch at and... more