Heart Of The Outback - Volume 1 - 3 Book Box Set
The Australians

Heart Of The Outback - Volume 1 - 3 Book Box Set

  • Pages: 576
  • Imprint: Blockbuster
  • Publication Date: 1st August 2011
  • ISBN: 9781742903149


The Australian's Convenient Bride by Lindsay Armstrong

Rough, handsome cattle–station owner Steve Kinane needs a temporary housekeeper– and Chattie Winslow is perfect for the job. Except Chattie and Steve find an intense sexual chemistry between them. Then Steve discovers the reason for Chattie's presence in the outback...and he has a proposal to make– a marriage of convenience! And now that Steve knows the secrets Chattie's been keeping, she's forced to become his bride.

Outback Marriage by Meredith Webber

First Blythe Jones had to sit next to Cal Whitworth at a wedding, but it was definitely too much when his plane crashed on the way back and the two doctors had to spend the night in the wild! And as for his plea that Blythe should work in his Outback practice while his broken arm healedwell! But for some reason, Blythe agreed. And the more she saw Cal– his dedication, his caring, his unnervingly sexy smile– the harder it was to remember why she disliked him

Her Outback Knight by Melissa James

As the sun rises in the Australian Outback and flowers open in the delicate morning sunlight, two people drive through the silent land– sharing the beauty unfolding around them. They only have eyes for each other. Danni and Jim's journey started as a quest to find the truth, but soon they begin to realise that this journey may really be one of the heart.

About the author

Meredith Webber

Meredith Webber

Previously a teacher, pig farmer, and builder (among other things), Meredith Webber turned to writing medical romances when she decided she needed a new challenge. Once committed to giving it a “real” go she joined writers’ groups, attended conferences and read every book on writing she could find. Teaching a romance writing course helped her to analyze what she does, and she believes it has made her a better writer. Readers can email Meredith at:... more



Lindsay Armstrong was born in South Africa. She grew up with three ambitions: to become a writer, to travel the world, and to be a game ranger. She managed two out of three! When Lindsay went to work it was in travel and this started her on the road to seeing the world. It wasn't until her youngest child started school that Lindsay sat down at the kitchen table determined to tackle her other ambition — to stop dreaming about writing and do it! She hasn't stopped... more
Melissa James

Melissa James

Melissa James is a former nurse, waitress, shop assistant and history student at university. Falling into writing through her husband (who thought it would be a good way to keep her out of trouble while the kids were little) Melissa was soon hooked. A native Australian, she now lives in Switzerland which is fabulous inspiration for new... more