Heart Surgeon To Single Dad

Heart Surgeon To Single Dad

  • Pages: 192
  • Imprint: Medical
  • Publication Date: 1st October 2018
  • ISBN: 9781489272393


Is he ready to be a father...and to fall in love?

Everything’s always come easy to world-renowned playboy surgeon Matthew Coleman. Until he suddenly becomes guardian to his young goddaughter. Now she must come first, so he takes a job back home closer to family — and comes face-to-face with recent fling Dr Natalie Sterling, who thought the role was hers! Can new dad Matthew win back career-focused Natalie’s trust...and her heart?

About the author

Janice Lynn

Janice Lynn

Janice Lynn has a master's in nursing from Vanderbilt University and works as a nurse practitioner in a family practice. She lives in the southern United States with her Prince Charming, their children, their Maltese named Moxie; and a lot of unnamed dust bunnies that have moved in since she started her writing career. Readers can visit Janice via her website at:... more