Kissed By A Cowboy

Kissed By A Cowboy

  • Pages: 192
  • Imprint: Western Romance
  • Publication Date: 1st June 2015
  • ISBN: 9780857993779


The cowboy whisperer.

Deep down, Jillian has always known she couldn't be a wife and mother. After the pain she's experienced in past relationships, she can't risk the heartbreak. But she has her animals and her special gift, which has brought her to Via Del Caballo, California. The tiniest sign tells her everything an animal is feeling. To observers, it's uncanny.

To Wes Landon, the stories of the gorgeous 'horse whisperer' are so much mumbo-jumbo. Then he sees Jillian in action, charming horses, dogs and even him. When his brand-new baby daughter is left in his care, Wes has hopes that Jillian would want to be part of his family. But the closer he tries to get to her, the more she pulls away. Can he convince her to take a leap of faith?

About the author

Pamela Britton

Pamela Britton

Barbara Dunlop is the award-winning bestselling author of more than twenty novels for Harlequin and Silhouette. She sold her first novel in 2000 via cell phone, while visiting the Smithsonian Air and Space museum in Washington, D.C. Since then, she has written for Silhouette Desire, Harlequin Temptation, Harlequin's comedy lines Duets and Flipside, along with a number of special projects, including the NASCAR series. Barbara's books regularly appear on the Borders' list for series romance. She has twice been short-listed for the prestigious... more