No Conventional Miss

No Conventional Miss

  • Pages: 192
  • Imprint: Historical
  • Publication Date: 1st October 2015
  • ISBN: 9781488797125


She's always been different…

Amaryllis Gibson is an unlikely debutante. She favours fact over fashion, cares not for 'proper' conversation and is haunted by ghostly visions which could land her in the madhouse! Marriage is definitely the last thing on Rilla's mind…

But when she's caught in a compromising position with Viscount Wyburn, suddenly she finds herself betrothed! And worse, his powerful presence only increases her visions. By shedding light on the viscount's past, can Rilla gain his trust and win him round to her more…unconventional traits?

About the author

Eleanor Webster

Eleanor Webster

Eleanor Webster loves high-heels and sun, which is ironic as she lives in northern Canada, the land of snowhills and unflattering footwear. Various crafting experiences, including a nasty glue-gun episode, have proven that her creative soul is best expressed through the written word. Eleanor is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in psychology and holds an undergraduate degree in history and creative writing. She loves to use her writing to explore her fascination with the... more