Nobody's Baby
That's My Baby

Nobody's Baby

  • Pages: 179
  • Imprint: Heart
  • Publication Date: 1st July 2012
  • ISBN: 9781460875414



The blonde and the baby definitely spelled trouble. Bachelor Zed Adams knew it the instant spitfire Karen Henderson and diaper–clad Danny stormed his peaceful Nevada ranch. Still, never had trouble looked so danged appealing

Until adorable Danny christened Zed 'Da' and his loyal guardian brandished "evidence" of Zed's paternity. Whoa! No way was Zed anybody's papa! And he'd stop at nothing to prove it. But ten sticky little fingers took hold of Zed's heart. Worse, sexy Karen fuelled dreams of fatherhood. And suddenly DNA be darned! Zed was acting an awful lot like a daddy

Sometimes bringing up baby can bring surprises and showers of love!

About the author

Jane Toombs

Jane Toombs

Jane's Silhouette Special Edition, The Missing Heir, is her 19th book for Harlequin and Silhouette, and her 69th published book, counting print and electronic books. Though she does write paranormal fantasies, mysteries, and horror, most of her stories are contemporary or historical romances. Jane began writing as a child, encouraged by her father, who was a published non-fiction author. He was a marvelous editor, praising what was good before pointing out the flaws needing correction, giving her confidence in her ability. He became totally... more