O'halloran's Lady

O'halloran's Lady

  • Pages: 224
  • Imprint: Intrigue
  • Publication Date: 1st August 2014
  • ISBN: 9781488785986


World-famous writer Jenna Whitmore has her share of fans.

She just never thought one would be out for blood. There's only one man she can trust, VIP security expert Marc O'Halloran. He left her once without a word, so how can she ask him for help now?

About the author

Fiona Brand

Fiona Brand

Fiona Brand lives in the sunny Bay of Islands, New Zealand. Now that both of her sons are grown, she continues to love writing books and gardening. After a life-changing time in which she met Christ, she has undertaken study for a bachelor of theology and has become a member of The Order of St. Luke, Christ's healing... more