One Baby Step At A Time

One Baby Step At A Time

  • Pages: 192
  • Imprint: Medical
  • Publication Date: 1st August 2014
  • ISBN: 9781743696682


ER doc Nick is back in town, and he's shocked to see his childhood friend Whillimena – Bill – has gone from scruffy kid to gorgeous woman!

But Nick's about to get a big surprise – a baby on his doorstep! – and a helping hand from Bill. Can two friends become a reallife family of three?

About the author

Meredith Webber

Meredith Webber

Previously a teacher, pig farmer, and builder (among other things), Meredith Webber turned to writing medical romances when she decided she needed a new challenge. Once committed to giving it a “real” go she joined writers’ groups, attended conferences and read every book on writing she could find. Teaching a romance writing course helped her to analyze what she does, and she believes it has made her a better writer. Readers can email Meredith at:... more