Pregnant Princess at the Altar

Pregnant Princess at the Altar

  • Pages: 192
  • Imprint: Forever Romance
  • Publication Date: 1st July 2023
  • ISBN: 9781867287766


In Karin Baine’s electrifying debut, the princess and the movie star announce a shocking convenient proposal...but their chemistry is anything but convenient!

A red carpet scandal...a shocking proposal!

Princess Gaia cannot afford to bring further dishonour to her family — so she’s keeping her pregnancy a secret! But when she meets movie star Niccolo at a premier, the frisson of attraction between them causes a scandal when they’re caught in a compromising situation. Splashed all over the headlines, Niccolo can’t risk damaging his reputation (further). So, he steps in to control the announcing their royal engagement!

Mills & Boon Forever — Be swept away by glamorous and heartfelt love stories.

About the author

Karin Baine

Karin Baine

Karin Baine lives in Northern Ireland with her husband, two sons, and her out-of-control notebook collection. Her Mother and Grandmother's vast collection of books inspired her love of reading and her dream of becoming a Harlequin Mills & Boon® author. Now she can tell people she has a proper job!

You can follow Karin on Twitter, @karinbaine1 or visit her website for the latest news –... more