Secretly Married

Secretly Married

  • Pages: 256
  • Imprint: Blockbuster
  • Publication Date: 1st August 2014
  • ISBN: 9781488789953


Delaney Townsend was an expert at dealing with everyone else's problems but her own. How else could she explain that the whirlwind marriage she thought had ended definitely hadn't? Seems her supposedly exhusband refused to sign the official papers. And he wasn't about to let her go until she could prove that she no longer had any feelings for him!

A cool professional, Delaney planned to put a tight lid on anything she felt for Samson Vega. But that was before one unquenchable spark flared into an unforgettable night of lovemaking. And before the clear morning light revealed Samson's true colors. Now Delaney had to decide if the only mistake about their marriage was ending it....

About the author

Allison Leigh

Allison Leigh

A frequent name on bestseller lists, Allison Leigh's highpoint as a writer is hearing from readers that they laughed, cried or lost sleep while reading her books.  She’s blessed with an immensely patient family who doesn’t mind (much) her time spent at her computer and who gives her the kind of love she wants her readers to share in every page.  Stay in touch at and... more