Snow-Kissed Proposals

Snow-Kissed Proposals

  • Pages: 192
  • Imprint: Historical
  • Publication Date: 1st December 2021
  • ISBN: 9781867243397


A snowy Victorian Christmas. Two festive short stories!

The Christmas Runaway - Jenni Fletcher

Willful, independent heiress Fiona MacKay impulsively runs away to a remote Scottish tower, where she’s trapped in the snow with equally headstrong, deliciously disheveled Angus Drummond.

Their Snowbound Reunion - Elisabeth Hobbes

Amy Munroe and Anthony Matthews were cruelly parted fifteen years ago, and each blames the other. When Amy becomes Anthony’s new housekeeper, their passion is reawakened!

Mills & Boon Historical — Your romantic escape to the past.

About the author

Elisabeth Hobbes

Elisabeth Hobbes

Elisabeth grew up in York, where she spent her teenage years looking for a handsome Roman or Viking to sweep her off her feet.

She achieved her dream of becoming an author after finishing third in Harlequin's SYTYCW contest 2013 and being offered a two-book contract.  When she isn’t writing, she spends her time reading and is a pro at cooking while holding a book!

Elisabeth lives in Cheshire with her husband, two children and two cats with ridiculous... more

Jenni Fletcher

Jenni Fletcher

Jenni Fletcher studied English at Cambridge University before doing a PhD on Edwardian literature at Hull. Originally from the north coast of Scotland, she now lives in Yorkshire, where she juggles motherhood and writing. She loves the Medieval and Victorian periods and writes stories set in... more