Tarnished Rose Of The Court

Tarnished Rose Of The Court

  • Pages: 368
  • Imprint: Historical
  • Publication Date: 1st August 2014
  • ISBN: 9781488780042



A dangerous mission at Queen Elizabeth's bidding is Celia Sutton's chance to erase the taint of her brother's treason. Her life is at risk if she's discovered – and so is her heart when she learns her co-conspirator is also her one-time seducer: brooding and mysterious John Brandon!

John can't believe the change in Celia – what's happened to the carefree English rose she once was? Leaving Celia was the only thing to do, but now guilt tears at his soul. He has to heal the sadness in her past, and he's not above using anything – from expert seduction to royal favours – to achieve his goal…

About the author

Amanda Mccabe

Amanda Mccabe

Amanda McCabe wrote her first romance at sixteen – a vast historical epic starring all her friends as the characters, written secretly during algebra class! She's never since used algebra, but her books have been nominated for many awards, including the RITA Award, Booksellers Best, National Readers Choice Award and the Holt Medallion. In her spare time she loves taking dance classes and collecting travel souvenirs. Amanda lives in Oklahoma. Email her at:... more