The Doctor's Destiny
Westside Stories

The Doctor's Destiny

  • Pages: 192
  • Imprint: Medical
  • Publication Date: 1st March 2017
  • ISBN: 9781489235886


Nurse Alana Wright finds Dr. Rory Forrester strong medicine – he thinks he knows better than her how to run a hospital ward! And yet, she is incredibly attracted to him.

But their war at work is nothing compared to Rory's private battle for custody of his nephew, Jason. Only marriage will improve his chances.While he and Alana might be colleagues in conflict, the chemistry between them is intense...and Jason and Alana get along great. Rory realizes he has found an angel who can answer his prayers and be his wife – but one thing stands in their way....

About the author

Meredith Webber

Meredith Webber

Previously a teacher, pig farmer, and builder (among other things), Meredith Webber turned to writing medical romances when she decided she needed a new challenge. Once committed to giving it a “real” go she joined writers’ groups, attended conferences and read every book on writing she could find. Teaching a romance writing course helped her to analyze what she does, and she believes it has made her a better writer. Readers can email Meredith at:... more