The Forever Family

The Forever Family

  • Pages: 176
  • Imprint: Love Inspired
  • Publication Date: 1st May 2014
  • ISBN: 9781488746437


Seeking a fresh start, widow Rachel Walker headed west. She never expected a freak Nevada storm––or the rugged Sam Thorne to rescue her. With a broken arm and a young son to care for, Rachel is depending on the kindness of the handsome stranger. The gruff small–town vet isn't thrilled Rachel and Danny have invaded his well–ordered life. But with Rachel's strong spirit and gentle faith, the walls around Sam's barren heart soon come tumbling down. Can they both put their painful pasts behind them and join together as a forever family?

About the author

Leigh Bale

Leigh Bale

Leigh Bale is a Publisher's Weekly bestselling author. She is the winner of the Golden Heart and a finalist for the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence and the Bookseller's Best Award. She has over twenty books in print and has sold over a million copies worldwide. The daughter of a retired U.S. forest ranger, Leigh holds a BA in history with honors. Married in 1981, Leigh and her professor husband have two grown children and two grandkids. You can reach her at... more