The Italian Doctor

The Italian Doctor

  • Pages: 192
  • Imprint: Medical
  • Publication Date: 1st January 2017
  • ISBN: 9781489232830


Not the marrying kind?

Staff nurse Maggie Carr had hated Luke Fabrizzi on sight and was irritated that everyone else worshiped the handsome new Italian senior resident.

Their conflict had stemmed from resentment when Maggie's family had tried to introduce them with marriage in mind. When it dawned on Luke that they could avert their families by staging a relationship, Maggie agreed. It was a truce that led them to the root of their strong feelings and yet another battle—a fight against their real desires and emotions.

About the author

Jennifer Taylor

Jennifer Taylor

Jennifer Taylor has been writing Mills & Boon novels for some time, but discovered Medical Romance books relatively recently.  Having worked in scientific research, she was so captivated by these heart-warming stories that she immediately set out to write them herself.  Jennifer’s hobbies include reading and  travelling. She lives in northwest England. Visit Jennifer's blog  at more