The Outback Nurse

The Outback Nurse

  • Pages: 150
  • Imprint: Classics
  • Publication Date: 1st July 2023
  • ISBN: 9781867292289


Sister Olivia Morrell started her new job in the outback with some trepidation. She’d wanted to get away from it all but, in isolated Kimjong, there was only one doctor and by all accounts Dr Clemson made a moody and difficult boss!

Clem began to suspect his new nurse had come to town to get over a broken heart. But that didn’t prevent his attraction to her! Perhaps if Olivia had to learn that not all men were unreliable, he could be the one to teach her...

About the author

Carol Marinelli

Carol Marinelli

Carol Marinelli recently filled in a form asking for her job title. Thrilled to be able to put down her answer, she put writer. Then it asked what Carol did for relaxation and she put down the truth - writing. The third question asked for her hobbies. Well, not wanting to look obsessed she crossed the fingers on her hand and answered swimming but, given that the chlorine in the pool does terrible things to her highlights - I'm sure you can guess the real... more