A Hero's Promise
Rescue River

A Hero's Promise

  • Pages: 268
  • Imprint: Love Inspired
  • Publication Date: 1st July 2022
  • ISBN: 9781867261919


A complicated homecoming

The Soldier’s Secret Child - Lee Tobin McClain

Former soldier Vito D’Angelo has come home with a foster son — and a secret that could devastate his comrade’s widow Lacey McPherson. Lacey’s trying to renovate her guesthouse and build a peaceful life. Letting Vito and young Charlie stay on her property awakens a longing for the family she’s sure she’ll never have. And as their friendship turns to more, the truth grows harder for Vito to reveal.

The Soldier’s Newfound Family - Kathryn Springer

Returning to Texas from overseas, US marine Carter Wallace makes good on a promise to tell a fallen soldier’s wife that her husband loved her. But pregnant widow Savannah Blackmore shares a story with Carter that tests everything he believes. He brings Savannah back to the Triple C ranch, where family secrets — and siblings he hadn’t known about — await him. Now the marine who never needed anyone suddenly needs Savannah…

Also available in eBook

About the author

Kathryn Springer

Kathryn Springer

The first "book" Kathryn Springer remembers writing was about a talking horse-she was about ten years old and a fan of Marguerite Henry at the time. Her parents owned a small weekly newspaper and would take her to work with them, perching her on a chair in front of a manual typewriter with a fresh piece of paper tucked in it so she could work on her stories. Always an avid reader, as Kathryn grew up, she read her way through classics such as Little House on the Prairie and Little Women, and then the entire Nancy Drew mystery series. When she... more
Lee Tobin McClain

Lee Tobin McClain

Lee Tobin McClain read Gone With The Wind in the third grade and has been an incurable romantic ever since. When she's not writing emotional love stories with happy endings, she’s probably driving around a carload of snarky teen girls, playing with her rescue dog and cat, or teaching aspiring writers in Seton Hill University’s MFA program. She is probably not cleaning her... more