Touched By Angels
Dalverston Hospital

Touched By Angels

  • Pages: 192
  • Imprint: Medical
  • Publication Date: 1st January 2017
  • ISBN: 9781489232823


Some risks are worth taking…

Meg's healing touch could give hope to the people of Oncamba, but she despaired of ever getting through to the leader of the medical aid team, Jack Trent. As the spitting image of his flighty ex-wife, Meg had a hard time convincing him that she was up to the job, let alone fighting her own desire for him. And when passion flared and Jack took her in his arms, Meg had to be sure that it was her he would be making love to….

About the author

Jennifer Taylor

Jennifer Taylor

Jennifer Taylor has been writing Mills & Boon novels for some time, but discovered Medical Romance books relatively recently.  Having worked in scientific research, she was so captivated by these heart-warming stories that she immediately set out to write them herself.  Jennifer’s hobbies include reading and  travelling. She lives in northwest England. Visit Jennifer's blog  at more