Reclaimed by Her Rebel Knight

Reclaimed by Her Rebel Knight

  • Pages: 192
  • Imprint: Historical
  • Publication Date: 1st August 2019
  • ISBN: 9781489289964


Married to a perfect stranger...reunited with her warrior husband!

When Constance inherited her father's lands, she had no choice but to marry cold-hearted Matthew Wintour. He left her for the battlefield without even a wedding night. Five years later, Matthew has returned a valiant knight! But Constance is no longer a frightened girl. And, this time, she must reach out to discover the honorable man behind the armour and what pleasures await them in the marriage bed...

About the author

Jenni Fletcher

Jenni Fletcher

Jenni Fletcher studied English at Cambridge University before doing a PhD on Edwardian literature at Hull. Originally from the north coast of Scotland, she now lives in Yorkshire, where she juggles motherhood and writing. She loves the Medieval and Victorian periods and writes stories set in... more